Jury Government




















Do they really represent you?
Carlin says it like it is


   Abramoff Confirms Carlin


 End This Aristocracy/Oligarchy. Replace Congress with a Jury of your Piers. Replace them with you.

Congress has an 9% APPROVAL RATING AS OF 11/11/11 Veterans Day. 91% of us should not have to put up with the selfish incompetence of used car salesmen making over 200k/yr + perks.


Congress Makes it Big on Inside Trading


See Overtime minutes here

Congress is holding us back!




At what point do you get angry about the slick politician sales game? Are you happy with the Supreme Court Decision to change campaign funding laws to open ended corporate contributions? Would you like to replace Congress with a Jury of your Piers? Would you like to be a Juror in a congressional seat to decide what direction America should take? Would you like to scare politicians into understanding that replacing them is a real and potential legal method that we just might adopt?  Consider Jury Government.

See Nine Pages of Fiery Hot Political Lies

Pants on Fire!

from Politifact



The Few Have Betrayed the Many

  • End the corruption, the vote bartering, the earmarks, the influence of lobbyist and the money of special interest.

  • End those pathetic dog and pony show elections every 2 years, with now questionable and unlimited campaign funding and notable voter fraud.

  • End the high pay, the excessive perks and the ineffective divisive two party system.  

  • End the ownership by wall street and restore governing power back to the majority of it's citizens.

  • End the vacant seats in the house where laws are being presented with no one to hear, as the other congressmen are having lunch with lobbyist.

  • End the threat of Filibuster, the 8% approval rating, the dysfunction, and the continual failed trust.

  • End the Lame Duck Sessions

  • End representational government by career slick talking politicians that are mostly products of law school.

  • End these costly expenditures that have everything unessential attached to a bill in order to get the majority vote of 535 politicians.

  • End the Aristocracy/Oligarchy

  • Introduce the diversity that is America by deploying Jurors to vote for best scenario in a jury system of decision making.



Reasons to Start Governing by Jurors

  • To bring the lobbyist out of the shadows and onto the debate floor and let them argue their request against opposing parties before a Jury selected in the same manner as is currently deployed to determine if we breached a law of their elite creation.  If this method is good enough to determine if we violated law, then it is good enough in creating laws.

  • To determine if the 17 Billion a year lobby industry can argue the merits of what they purpose without paying congressional members to agree, or sponsor their election  to have them gather more for the few.  Perhaps this will work better than the nepotistic ivy league operating a revolving door where incumbent congressmen are often given jobs after leaving office (loosing election) in reward to their service of voting appropriate to the lobby/corporate interest.

  • To rid ourselves of Congressmen that make between $175k-$220k/year but can expense most everything.  It cost about 5 billion a  year to operate the legislative branch or 1/3rd what the Lobby industry earns to influence.

  • To save ourselves the $6 billion spent on an election year circus.  Wouldn't these sums be better spent on educating your child to be a good citizen?

  • To guard ourselves against nepotism. Someone coming from a long line of politicians in the family business of Government is bound to have learned all the unsavory tricks. 




Our species is prone to Tolkien style greed, it is in our collective best interest to remove power from the powerful, by preventing the lords of the congressional ring from touching it more than once.  Congress does not represent citizens, congress represents the desires of lobbied interest.

This system of corruption can only be cleaned by replacing congress with 30 day maximum trials, judged by one time only sequestered Jurors.  This is not a new idea.  Government by Jury was the decision making process of Ancient Greece. Jury Government can be accomplished by Article 5 in the U.S. Constitution where either congress can vote themselves out of power and Juries in, or the states can do it for them by the way of constitutional convention (a never yet used process where the states vote a change in the constitution over their representative).  It's time to let Congress know that the 4th branch of government (Citizens) is about to move up in rank and take control. Congress is now in session 109 days out of 365 (3 out of 12 months)  Down from 154 in 2009. They are not taking this job seriously, but they are taking money from Corporate America for delivering favors and advantages. Why a Jury system to fix this? A court room is adversarial and where there is no controversy there is no advance in truth.  Politicians rarely answer a question directly.  Never a yes or no, they ramble on to obscure the question.  In a courtroom the witness is directed to answer yes or no and can be fined for failing to do so.  The current system allows con men to be elected and spend frivolously out of the treasury where those that sent him in are recipients of that expenditure.

Insanity: Repeating the same process and expecting a different result.  "Throwing the bums out" is only going to invite another one in.  Elect those sponsoring reform by Jury Government.  Do not leave your posterity to this Aristocracy.


Occupy sensible Change?


Thomas Jefferson

“A little rebellion now and then, is a medicine necessary for the sound health of government.” Thomas Jefferson


“Any people anywhere, being inclined and having the power, have the right to rise up, and shake off the existing government, and form a new one that suits them better. This is a most valuable - a most sacred right - a right, which we hope and believe, is to liberate the world.”  Abraham Lincoln


 "The will of the people shall be the basis of the authority of government."

Article 21 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights

These clips should give reason enough but there is more by the buttons below





The USS Enterprise and the USS Constitution are about to Change....Yes we can!


We need to reprogram the constitution to save America from those that obviously own it and who usurp power by their Bond Villain size wealth. Their greed and Aristocratic control of our democracy has made the majority servants.  This should be the Message of Occupy Wall Street.  "We Want to Replace Congress with a Jury of our piers".  We will retain the Senate, but eliminate its capacity to vote or overule the majority of Jurors, they will only bring matters before the jurors.  Imagine the first case being government purchase of  $800 hammers, and your job is to allow or deny the expenditure.


This is the way congress looks most of the time.  Empty.  One guy talking to the cspan camera and the rest on a party with lobbyist. Imagine that changed where all seats are filled with a jury and the lobbyist has to convince those firmly seated that his plan is better than all those that will stand and speak in opposition.  Bills these days are written by lobbyist, average over 2000 pages in complicated legal babble, and are not read by congressional members prior to voting.

Congressmen may show up for a vote, but rarely for the debate. Change the system, fill these seats with Jurors. Here is the document that tells us how.

Article 5 of the U.S. constitution

Congress members are not likely to vote themselves out of their lucrative position. That's were the constitutional convention would be used for the first time in US history.

Presenting the need for this type of change is best achieved by

review of supporting media

 Media Links

Site Links

The Average Joe  http://www.usdebtclock.org/








Follow @JuryGov

Supporter of  the Occupy wall street and www.occupydc.org 

